Salty. Sweet. A tiny bit of umami. Adding seaweed to granola is a game changer. I love using sesame seeds in this granola, as I think the flavor combination of maple syrup, sesame, and seaweed is a match made in heaven!
This recipe is based off Mama Eats Plants' Granola recipe.
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup raw pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds
1 cups raw sesame seeds
2 cups raw nuts (I used a mix of walnuts and almonds)
1/2 cup real maple syrup
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon kosher salt (use less if you use granulated salt)
- 1 tablespoon Organic Seaweed Seasoning
1 cup dried fruit
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all the dry ingredients together, except dried fruit. Then, add in the maple syrup and olive oil and vanilla and mix thoroughly.
Spread onto a baking sheet, lined with parchment or silicone mat. Spread evenly. Bake for 10 minutes. Turn pan and bake for another 15.
Let cool completely before touching the granola. This way you will preserve as many clumps as you can! Store in an airtight jar.